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sign File signing and signature verification utility
skey Port of OpenBSD s/key implementation
smtpd Store and forward SMTP proxy
sniff Program to sniff logins and passwords
snortsnarf Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
snow Whitespace steganography program
srm Secure replacement for rm(1)
srp_client Client programs using Secure Remote Password protocol
ssh-askpass X11-based passphrase dialog for OpenSSH
ssh-ip-tunnel Simple VPN system using pppd over ssh
ssh2 Secure Shell client and server for V.2 SSH protocol
sshfp Print ssh host key fingerprint resource records
ssldump SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslproxy Small SSL proxy
sslwrap Simple SSL wrapper
ssss Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
starttls Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on emacsen
steghide Hides data (steganography) in audio or graphics files
stegtunnel Provides a covert channel in the IPID and sequence number
stunnel Universal SSL tunnel
sudo Allow others to run commands as root
systrace-policies Systrace policy examples
tacshell RSA ACE/Server sdshell workalike, using TACACS+
tcl-tls TLS (aka SSL) Channel for the Tcl language
tcp_wrappers Monitor and filter incoming requests for network services
tct Programs to aid post-mortem after a break-in
tkpasman Username and password manager that uses the Tk toolkit
tripwire File and directory integrity checker
uvscan Evaluation version of a DOS/Windows file virus scanner
whisker (V) URL scanner used to search for known vulnerable CGIs on websites
xml-security-c XML Digital Signature specification implementation
xmlsec1 XML signature and encryption library
yafic File integrity checker
zebedee Simple tunneling program for TCP or UDP with encryption